Thursday, December 10, 2009

Light budget - revisit

So, the question came up recently and I thought it would be a good time to do a quick revisit about all the lights I have. If you are on a tight budget, or if you are not, but just don't want to spend a lot of money on strobes for studio/portrait use, then you don't have to! Basically, everything you see in the picture cost about the same as ONE new SB-900!

Here's my studio lights
strobing on a budget

Lights: from left to right
285HV new $90 (used is even cheaper, I didn't know better at the time :) )
Sunpak used $20
Sunpak used $25
no name auto: free
Flashpoint 320A Mono new: $99
Total: $234

Light Stand x 4 @ $30 = $120
301 RF trigger x 4 = $60
Umbrella holder x 2 = $35
Umbrella x 2 (not shown) = $35
Total accessories: $250

Total Studio lights and accessories = $484. Of course, you can find some of the stuff used and drop the cost even more.

And, no, I still bought a SB-900, but it's because of the event type stuff I'm shooting and I need the iTTL and the SB-900 is great for that. But, for studio type stuff, I still use my budget lights exclusively. Why not. They work great as well.

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