This is actually very simple. First off, you need to have some 1/4" bolts. I had already picked up a small pack from Walmart a long time ago for some other purpose, so I have plenty of spares. Took the clamps out to the garage and less than a minute later, drilled a hole in each to fit the bolt through. Note, I found a couple of lock washers laying around. Be sure to use them.
When you buy an umbrella holder, it comes with female and male adapters. Just take the female adapter and screw it on to the bolt on the clamp.
Note, I recommend using the nut that comes with the bolt to lock the bolt to the clamp. This way you can easily remove the umbrella adapter any time and not have to worry about the loose bolt.
Use it in all kind of places. With just the flash.
With an umbrella
Places where you can't put up a light stand
Same shot as above, just had Chloe look at me and I zoomed in a bit.
Get creative with it. Need more power? Add it to a light stand and use two flash.
You can still shoot it thru an umbrella!
I found a small metal plate and then drilled a hole in the center. Bolt it to the light stand. The light stand comes with a built in 1/4" stud already. Now you can easily clamp two lights. I'm sure it would not be too hard to come up with some easy DIY rig to mount a longer bar across so you can mount/clamp 3 or 4 lights! Now you have some real power :)
Took it outside for a quick test. Early afternoon, overcast. D200, 35mm f/2 at f/8, 1/250s, ISO 200. Triggered from about 35' away with CTR-301p. Note how dark the shaded area is under the patio.
Turn the flash toward the patio and took the same shot from the same spot as above.
Just to test the power of the two lights, took another shot with the aperture set to f/11.
Have some fun and get creative on how you can use your new off camera flash clamp :)
great idea John!
Thanks John! Just getting into lighting and your ideas are very helpful. Hope that you are up and about soon having more fun ideas.